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Observations placeholder

PubMed - Steiner Eurythmy - Stress, anxiety and trauma



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Altern Ther Health Med. 2011 Jul-Aug;17(4):56-63.  Eurythmy Therapy in anxiety.  Kienle GS1, Hampton Schwab J, Murphy JB, Andersson P, Lunde G, Kiene H, Hamre HJ. 

Anxiety is a highly frequent condition; many patients seek complementary treatment. One of these is anthroposophic medicine (AM) using therapeutic approaches that are based on a distinct concept of the human organism, illness, and healing. AM is applied in anxiety; however, little is known about underlying therapeutic concepts, the effectiveness, and the modalities of clinical reasoning and judgment.

Presented is a 21-year-old woman who had suffered from severe and increasing anxiety for 6 months, which had led to social isolation and complete sick leave from work. She had attended an AM health care center and counseling at a psychiatric hospital but had not improved significantly after 6 months.

Eurythmy therapy (EYT) was then applied for 8 weeks. Within the AM pathophysiological context, the patient was diagnosed as having stress-induced anxiety based on a juvenile disturbance of the rhythmical system. Associated symptoms were specific anomalies in the patient's eurythmy movement pattern, a "breathed-in-upwards syndrome." In the EYT sessions, clear interconnections between EYT-exercises and symptom-relief were observable, paralleled by a substantial relief of the patient's anxiety. EYT might have some impact on anxiety syndrome and should be investigated in more detail.

PMID: 22314634

The source of the experience

Steiner, Rudolf

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

