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Observations placeholder

Four year old has NDE



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences – Dr Penny Sartori

[This] incident concerned my four-year-old son.

I was in the army at the time, based at the military hospital in Berlin. For a number of days he had suffered with projectile vomiting and a barium enema suggested that he had some form of intestinal blockage. He was taken to theatre immediately. As it was a small hospital, it was the path lab!

Getting on with my work, the tannoy system burst into life announcing a cardiac arrest in theatre. As normal, I got two pints of O negative out of the blood bank and ran to the theatre. I was met at the door by one of the technicians, who took the blood off me and closed the door in my face. I suddenly realized that my son was still in theatre and so I sat down on the floor outside the theatre.

About 40 minutes later the surgeon came out and, seeing me there, said, 'It was touch and go at one point, but he is all right now. You can see him up on the ward.' He was to make a full recovery.

A few months later a relief came to Berlin so that I could have a few days off. I asked the boys where they would like to go and my son said that he would like to go to that park again. We asked him which park, as we had never been able to get away until this relief arrived. 'The one through the tunnel.'

We asked him which tunnel.

'The one I went to when I was in the hospital. There was a park with lots of children and swings and things, with a white fence around it.  I tried to climb over the fence but this man stopped me and said that I wasn't to come yet and he sent me back down the tunnel and I was back in the hospital again.'

I have spoken to my son again about this but he has no recollection of it now. As he was only four at the time I cannot believe that he could make this story up.

The source of the experience

Other ill or disabled person

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

